Hello cyber world, I am back for the first time in months, I suppose that is the convenience of running my own small business, I can do what I want. Well here I am, back for the first time since April and I have a couple HUGE announcements...Those can wait, first we must cover the strange news stories I always provide, because well....You know they always provide a great laugh, or thought provoking face palms. Well let's march on with it!
Firstly a man blames his 7th DUI on an elephant, apparently the man was intoxicated, and crashed his car(who didn't see that coming?! I mean drunk drivers, well, really I think we all know what drinking and driving equals...) So anyways he wrecks his car, and the first officer on the scene was told by the drunk man, that the reason he crashed is because he swerved in order to avoid hitting an elephant that was apparently standing in the middle of the road...
According to police there were no known elephants loose in the area at the time of the man's accident. Enough said. I have no snarky remarks to make, because well I am sure they're running through your head as it is.Man Blames Elephant for DUI
Next up I am a bit late in sharing the exciting news, as I have been so busy, but I will be an expecting mom soon, that is right, the crawling chaos is finally on his way...Adrian Jayden Eversole will be his name, of course spawn of Cthulhu works just as well, or the Crawling Chaos. Regardless, this new life changing event has spurred a BRAND NEW line of products! Onesies, and baby shirts! Check the facebook page for the newest designs, as i am getting too big to really move a lot without getting completely exhausted I will be glued to this computer a bit more, and making new designs...which brings me to my next piece of information...Pricing.
As I have not yet made a pricing list for my collection I think now is the time to do it.
So prices are as follows.
Fun Fact of the Day Tshirts.........................$10.00
C.R.A.P. Tshirts...............................................$15.00
Videogames Vs. Life Tshirts........................$15.00
Completely Customized with your own Design.............$20.00
Customized with MY design...................$20.00
Customized Baby Wear..........................$10.00
Bulk Tshirts(any design any size QTY: 5+)................$5.00/shirt
Anyways hope you enjoy the new stuff, I will still be updating t-shirt designs, as well as the baby clothing line, just stop by randomly.
For now I am out, Have a wonderful night everyone